I so have app envy! There are many creative and educational apps that would be beneficial for use in the classroom as a way of creating a quick assessment or as a final product. The apps are quick to learn and could be used spontaneously even when there isn't t a lot of time available with the convenience of the smaller device. Alas, my district is cautiously waiting before leaping into the iPad frenzy so the chance of using any of these with staff or students is nil for the time being. In the meantime, I am curating a list of apps that will be undoubtedly outdated by the time I have the chance to deploy them! I am including a few links that may be of interest to those of you who do have iPads.
60 Educational Apps in 60 Minutes
The iPad As
75 Classroom Apps in a Snap grades 6-12
iPads in the ELA Classroom
Lisa N.